


Reasons for the shorter service life of vacuum packaging machines
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1. Raw materials for vacuum packaging machine

The raw materials of any machine greatly affect its service life. As far as the packaging machine is concerned, stainless steel should be used as much as possible. Stainless steel has strong corrosion resistance, prolongs its service life and is easy to clean. Some steel sealers on the market are not strong, have low corrosion resistance and are simple to deform.

2. Whether with overheating maintenance

Know the important parameters such as vacuum degree and heating temperature in advance, and the role of overheating maintenance cannot be ignored. The overheating maintenance system is set at the sealing time to provide high-quality service. During use, if the temperature is extremely high, the overheating maintenance device will actively open to prevent accidents during work, ensure personal safety, and reduce unnecessary losses.

3. Placement environment

When considering how to choose a vacuum packaging machine, businesses should not ignore the impact of the environment on the vacuum packaging machine. High temperature and humid environment are not suitable for placement, which will easily cause the machine to lose heat and get damp in time.